Reality of the Urgency

How Shall They Know?

Danger Ahead
Not all smooth roads end well
If a bridge has washed away on a busy highway, anyone who knew would sprint madly towards oncoming traffic to warn of the disaster ahead.

Fire in a building would bring warning shouts and brave action to rescue those in danger.

For most of us in dangerous situations, the warning to others is automatic and immediate. That's the way we are! We care, we act.

The Ultimate Danger

If bridges and fires kick us into action, why do we live in complacency when it comes to the eternal consequences of choosing the proper road of living?

Franklin Graham summarizes the urgent need to tell the world of  the redemptive power of Jesus.

Billy Graham recently entered the "rest" in the presence of God of which he spent most of his life warning the world of the ultimate disaster... but also telling of the profound glory of living with God upon their acceptance of Jesus and the grace of forgiveness of sin.

So What's the Point?

The Tacoma Narrows bridge was built in 1938. In 1940 it reached a catastrophic end. As you watch the following video of the bridge, let your mind run free and explore the ominous parallel between the bridge and our gyrating cultural society.

You need to know one thing about the bridge and its use. Motorists drove across the bridge right up until almost the very end, even though there was gyration of several feet for several days preceeding the collapse.

The cultural bridge is oscillating. 
Do we have the courage to tell people how to get safely to the other side?