Christianity and Culture

Some Big Issue Items

The Puzzle of Century 21
As people who are disciples and want to know and reveal Christ, we do NOT have to be experts on all the nuances of theology and doctrine.

We should, however, have an awareness of what is going on in the minds and hearts of both the secular and scriptural world.

The Church has always had conflict with the world, and that conflict appears to be increasing in scope as today's culture becomes more diverse than ever.

Brett McCracken is a Talbot student and Biola employee whom God is using in some very strategic ways to represent Jesus and his people at the national level.

In the following video he paints an intriguing picture of Christian millenials who reflect a "hipster" approach to their Christian living.

Dr. Ravi Zacharias gives a slightly different look at culture today, yet shows how the Church must stand strong in a viable presence.

Some Solid Fundamentals

What About Truth?

None of us need to have perfect knowledge about all things, but it is crucial to have at least a "talking about" knowledge of some common cultural topics. 

The starting point for most discussions of consequence involve the concept of truth; is there an Absolute Truth or is truth simply a subjective opinion?

Josh McDowell addresses this topic in a profound and understandable way in the following video.

Does Science Reveal Truth?

The divide between science and religion is wide and is illustrated by the specific debates about creation vs. evolution, intelligent design, irreducible complexity and origins of the universe.

Ravi Zacharias discusses the principle differences between science and religion in this short video.

Other Potential Items of Discussion.

As individuals we each may have our own "hot button" items that are the focus of our interest. Some of these may have been around for years, others may be fairly new in the constanly changing of cultural mores.

The following links are not meant to be the final answer to the topic. They offer only an introductory opportunity to start our minds thinking on those topics. If any ignite your curiosity to pursue further, grab your Bible, you nearest apologist and YouTube and pursue the topic even further.